New Transmission
Sorry for the lack of blogging. This past two months have been a blur of dizzying heights from an extraordinarily steep learning curve. But a sense of normality is beginning to creep into my existence, so with that in mind what you read above (makes more sense to say "what follows" - but you and I both know that this will get posted first and will find its way down towards the bottom of the page, rather than being at the top - which is where it could be if I was smart enough, and had thought through what I was about to do before launching into this massive pre-blurb, but you know what they say...what is they? and why are they always saying things make more sense that what I say? where was I?) pretty much - with the exception of where I went off on a spirit lead tangent, which happens sometimes, and considering that this sermon was given four hours after my first Easter service for the day....where was I again? - Part of the Easter Sermon. Tell me what you think - that is if you even bothered to read the drivel above that finally lead to this full stop. I know, I certainly wouldn't have bothered reading it, as it seemed pretty clear from the opening statement that this was going to be one of those non existant blog - a clayton's blog - the blog you have when you're not having a blog - you know, just some random thoughts typed without much thought to syntax, or income tax or any kind of tax for that matter....end transmission.
WOW! Someone needs sleep or coffee!
10:07 pm, November 11, 2008
Thanks for writing this.
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